Chemistry & Geosciences

Our department offers students a wide range of courses in chemistry, geology, and geography. We offer A.S. degrees in Chemistry, Geology, and Geography as well as a Geospatial Information Science Technology (GIST) Certificate and GIST micro-credential. An Earth Sciences micro-credential for New York State K-12 science teachers has recently been developed as well. Our faculty instruct SCI 131, Integrated Science for Future Teachers, as part of MCC's Education Programs.
Additionally, the department supports the Chemistry Club as well as the Mapping Club, which provides Geography & GIST students with leadership opportunities. We also operate MCC's WeatherWeb weather station based at the Brighton campus.
New and/or Revised Courses
- Chemistry
CHE 110: Chemistry in the Kitchen
- Geology
GEO 101: Physical Geology
GEO 295: Field Studies in the Geosciences "Yellowstone Supervolcano and Geologic Landscapes of the West"
- Geography
GEG 236: Geospatial Data Acquisition and Management
GEG 237: Web Mapping
GEG 238: Introduction to Geospatial Programming
Location & Contacts
Jessica Barone
Department Chair
Brighton Campus
Building 8, Room 214
M thru F, 8:45am to 4:45pm
(585) 292-2448